Pink Shirt Day
Bullying is a major problem in our schools, workplaces, homes, and online. Over the month of February, and throughout the year, CKNW Kids' Fund's Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of these issues, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children's healthy self-esteem. https://www.pinkshirtday.ca/
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NWGHAAD
Every year on March 10, organizations come together to shed light on the impact of HIV on women and girls to show support for those at risk of, and living with, HIV. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/library/awareness/nwghaad.html
International Transgender Day of Visibility
International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring on March 31 dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Transgender_Day_of_Visibility
National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NYHAAD
NYHAAD educates the public about the impact of the HIV/AIDS on youth and highlights the work youth do to strengthen the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/youth_hiv/resources.htm
STD Awareness Week
STD Awareness Week, observed the second full week in April, provides an opportunity to raise awareness about STDs and how they impact our lives; reduce STD-related stigma, fear, and discrimination; and ensure people have the tools and knowledge to prevent, test for, and treat STDs. *STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) has replaced STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) […]
National Transgender HIV Testing Day #TransHIV
NTHTD recognizes the importance of routine HIV testing, status awareness and continued focus on HIV prevention and treatment efforts among transgender and gender non-binary people. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/library/awareness/nthtd.html
International Family Equality Day
International Family Equality Day (IFED) celebrates the diversity of LGBTQ+ families around the world, and takes place every year on the first Sunday in May. https://www.familyequality.org/international-family-equality-day/
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia was created in 2004 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex people, and all of those with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics. https://may17.org/
HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) leads this observance. This day is a chance to thank the volunteers, community members, health professionals, and scientists working together to find a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine. It is also a time to educate communities about the importance of preventive HIV […]
National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
This observance was first observed in 2005 and falls within Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. https://www.hiv.gov/events/awareness-days/asian-pacific-islander/
Harvey Milk Day
Harvey Milk Day is organized by the Harvey Milk Foundation and celebrated each year on May 22 in memory of Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist who was assassinated in 1978. Milk was a prominent gay activist during the 20th century. He ran for office three times before becoming the first openly gay person elected […]
Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness and Visibility Day
To be pansexual is to have a sexual or romantic attraction not limited by gender, or gender identity, while to be panromantic is the same except without the sexual attraction. Attraction is not dependent on gender; pan people are attracted to the person before anything else. However, this doesn’t mean they’re attracted to anyone and […]