IATSE Pride Committee
(last updated June 5, 2020)
Are you interested in starting a Pride Committee? Do you have a new Committee and don’t know where to go next? Check out our handy guide! We intend for this to be a living document, so that it can be added to or changed accordingly.
(last updated August 21, 2020)
Are you an ally that wants to learn how to better support your LGTBQ+ kin? Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community who wants to find ways to educate your friends and family on how they can better support you? Check out our guide with some tips on how to be a better ally.
How to Be an Ally Guide
Comment Être un Allié (French Version)
(last updated October 16, 2020)
Our glossary contains some of the terms you may come across. We’ve tried to define them with short, easy-to-understand definitions. Ideally, some of these may be require slightly more nuance, however we’ve tried to keep them as simple and accessible as possible.
The IATSE Pride Committee acknowledge that the holidays are not an easy time for many, especially those of us in the LGBTQ+ community. Therefore, we’ve compiled some helpful resources to help you navigate what can be a tricky period at the best of times.
IATSE Health Plans
Click here for the MPIPHP presentation regarding LGBTQ+ specific information that was presented at our September 2020 Pride Town Hall, and then updated in June of 2022.
*Although these were current at the time of posting, please always check with your plan to ensure that coverage has not changed.
Click here for the NBF presentation regarding LGBTQ+ specific information that was presented at our September 2020 Pride Town Hall, and then updated in June of 2022.
*Although these were current at the time of posting, please always check with your plan to ensure that coverage has not changed.
Click here for the ICHP presentation regarding LGBTQ+ specific information that was presented at our September 2020 Pride Town Hall, and then confirmed still current in June 2022.
*Although this was current at the time of posting, please always check with your plan to ensure that coverage has not changed.
External Organizations
Check out their Union Guide to Discussing LGBTQ People and Issues to learn about LGBTQ working people and workplace issues as well as basic terminology, economic data, and more.
The strongest protections for LGBTQ+ workers is a union contract. Work with your Local Union leadership to ensure your contract fully includes LGBTQ+ workers and our families in every aspect, from general workplace non-discrimination to family benefits.
This resource provides sample language from actual union contracts in areas crucial to LGBT inclusion.
This 2015 guide will provide you with tools to craft collective agreement language that promotes the rights of members belonging to the LGBTQ2SI community.
LGBTQ2SI Collective Bargaining Guide | Canadian Labour Congress
L’équité en matière de négociation pour les travailleuses et travailleurs (en français)
A guide designed for trade union leaders, union staff representatives, local executive, committee members and shop stewards. We all have a role to play to better protect the rights of our trans members and ensure they have the support they need in our workplaces, in our unions and in our communities.
Workers in Transition Guide (in English)
Travailleuses et travailleurs en transition (en français)
This guide aims to encourage a change in the way screenwriters, agents, casting directors, directors, producers and productions treat queer performers and to break down existing barriers for queer performers in the industry.
Working with Queer Performers (in English)