
Pride Videos

Our YouTube channel can be accessed directly here, or see below for a sample of our videos.  There are two categories: short bite-sized videos and longer webinar recordings.  

Bite-Size Videos:

These are short, fun, videos under five minutes that you can play to teach the basics about a specific topic.


During Pride month, we created all-new webinars in conjunction with the Education & Training Department, and recordings can be found on their site.  Please note that these are directed at the average member who may not know the specifics, but wants to learn. 

Click on the photo to be taken to the registration page.  After signing up, you can view the recording.

Straight Talk Webinar
Learn basic facts about what LGBTQ+ means.
What’s the difference between gender and sexuality?
Why can pronouns be important?
Why does IATSE celebrate Pride?
And more!

An all new webinar that will teach easy ways you can help to support your LGBTQ+ workers.